Observer Corps

Do you want to be in the know about what’s happening at the local school board, city council, or township trustee board? Be an observer for our League! This is a great way for any member, and especially our newer members, to get involved and make a difference!

The Ohio Sunshine Law gives us all the right to attend meetings of public bodies like city and town councils, school and library boards, even the boards’ finance and executive committee meetings where important business may be negotiated long before full formal meetings are held.

Choose whatever local board or council you’re interested in. You may attend every meeting, or split meeting dates with a partner or two, or simply attend when you are able. Times, dates & locations are all in every member’s Directory of Public Officials. Contact the League office to volunteer, and for help finding a group that suits your location, schedule, and interests.

Observer Corps Manual

Observer Corps Form

Open Meetings Presentation

Open Records Form Presentation